Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is true food?

In essence…


Literally…Food that nature provides us in its original form.

That means



                                   HERBS…..basically all edible plant life.

Of course now the questions begs to be asked….

What is false food?

In essence……


Literally……Food that has been altered from its original form.

  That means highly

          processed foods made

                   with chemicals and additives…..

                              hydrogenated and damaged oils……

                                        refined sugars…….starches……..flour…..salt

                                                 basically, dead food.

We all start out as a single fertilized egg cell smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. By the time we reach adulthood, it is estimated that we are made up of approximately 50 to a 100 trillion cells depending on our body size.

Every single day of your life

      your body sheds an estimated

             90 billion Dead Cells

                 to make room for

                        90 billion NEW cells.

Where do you think the body gets the raw materials required to make these new cells?  Well, it can only come from on of these two means….

  1. From nutrient dense true foods or
  2. Over time, the body will steal nutrients from its own bones, tissues and vital organs.

We may be living in a modern age…

   but that does always mean we are wiser.

There is this wise old saying….

An ounce  of PREVENTION

     is worth a pound of cure.

Nothing could be closer to the Truth when we are talking about our health. By eating highly nutritious true food, we can prevent rapid degeneration of our bodies.

Prevention has been practiced by ancient cultures for thousands of years…

It is well known in the East that disease is really a manifestation of imbalances within the body. By combining, enhancing and concenrating whole foods into specific formulas that actually nourish the body’s stressed organ systems,

                 the body begins to function in a more natural, balanced state.

Nature  always seeks  BALANCE   so does your body.

Disease is your body’s way of  Telling you that you are malnourished and out of balance. It is literally a cry for Help.

True food can help. Of course you can suppress this cry for help by taking drugs to mask the symptons, but be aware of the adverse drug reactions….

WARNING:  May cause chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, muscle pain, drowsiness, depression, stupor, hallucinations, confusion, speech disorder, chest pain seizures or sudden death, just to name a few.

Over two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, who originally wrote the Hippocratic Oath, which all doctors pledge to uphold said,

“Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.”

Do you remember the old saying….Have we forgotten?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

Back when this saying was first coined, these was a ripe truth wrapped in the core of this meaning…

Unfortunately, now you have to eat 26 apples to get the same vitamin and mineral content that 1 apple from the early 1900’s used to supply.

Why?  What happens? It is because we stopped replenishing the earth.

So does this mean we should forget about eating apples or other fruits and vegetables and simply depend upon multi-vitamins instead?

NO, because vitamins are only a small part of the big picture.

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