Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Armour Love

Ive blogged about a lot of interesting things and been very opinionated in my past entries (such is my nature: I know myself and im a deep thinker). But if theres one thing i havent blogged about before its love. The L word so many people fear. So I thought id go and be super original and write a bit about it.

I think love is quite a powerful force. Everyone says that but people actually underestimate it. “True love” (something which is very rare I think even in a lot of marriages) is a mutual love. A feeling of happiness that stays there so that no matter what happens the two people will always be in love and be happy and will never tire of each other. They will always want to be with each other and insepperable (im aware i probably spelt that word wrong). This is an example of how love can heal and make the world a better place. If you wanted to be a big walking talking cliche, you could easily say: Love has the power to heal the world.

Love can also destroy and be very destructive. An example of this is unrequited love. I have actually experienced heartache. I heard people talking about heartache but i thought it was a just term to express the sadness people experienced when they lost a love, loved someone who didnt love them back, or was away from a partner. But heartache isnt just that. Amazingly, it is actually heart-ache. Like a physical pain. For me it was anyway. I get a literal physical ache along with everything else. That is evidence its not all in our heads.

I think thanks to our good friend Hollywood a lot of people have unrealistic ideas of it though. I mean the love we see in the teen movies often doesnt exist in real life. I mean do you know anyone who had a story like the ones you see in those films?

For me, i think attraction makes 50 percent of what people call love. An ideal partner would be someone I was physically and sexually attracted to (as in i find them hot/cute/whatever word you want to use) as well as emotionally and romantically attracted (’clicking personalities’ as they say. Everything in common). These two combined creates a basic form of love. Which can result in heartache and all the rest of the lovey stuff. But you really have something special when that basic love made up of all those different attractions, advances to the next level. A mutual fulfillment.

The reason I am blogging about love is because i am currently going through an experience which could lead to a new relationship. And am experiencing heartache as a result, as well as happiness.

Another thing I wanted to blog about was a topic thats come up a lot this week. I’ll tell the story…

A close friend of mine posted on her facebook status: “whats more important following your head or your heart?”

I basically responded by saying its different with everyone. Everyone follows different paths. The head is logic-based and the heart emotion-based. Following your logic will make sure you never get in trouble. But you will never experience improvements. And following your emotions could set you back 3 spaces or move you forward. Its best to chose which one you want to do according to the situation. Its kind of like a stick or twist thing.

She said something next like “what happens if they disagree (heart and head)” and i say well you will have an internal conflict. And the person must think what is best for them. But shes like “what if you make the wrong decision”.

But making wrong decisions isnt something to worry about. Just make a decision. Because if no one made wrong decisions then nobody would learn anything. Its how we learn everything in life from who we are to what to do with our lives. In short:  “It is our choices that make us different”

You cant tell how the future will turn out. All i know is i dont regret anything in my life and i dont regret anything that I have done. I probably have done some wrong decisions in the past. But im willing to accept that because im a human being. But i dont regret them and I wouldnt change them, because without them I wouldnt be who I am today. Dont worry about the past and the future. I think its better to live each day as it comes, that way you can make sure youre the best you can be at everything (as well as anything life throws at you.

As for a quick update on my life:

Right now i am in a great time in my life. I am experiencing what could be called love. I have beat depression and I am brimming with self-love (positive self-love, not fake egos and walls to protect myself like some people i know, im talking the real deal).

I get a bit down sometimes because my life is far from perfect, but I am lucky to even have a computer its more than what some people in the world have and I know not to take anything in life for granted or overcomplicate the things in my life.

In short: I’m feeling pretty euphoric and positive right now. So many people think they know me when they dont. But i dont care what people think. Because no matter what they think, I’ll always be the same person.

Another thing i want to add kind of on the topic of love is an awful lot of people are looking for love, yet they cant find it. A lot of the time its because they have no love for themselves. You cant love others unless you love yourself first. Save yourself before you save others. Otherwise you cant change anything. People should find who they are before they commit to a relationship, or else the relationship wont have any true love. It will just be a friendship in disguise.

Always remember folks: Say what you like and do what you feel because those who matter dont mind and those who mind dont matter.

Peace. x


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