Sunday, March 7, 2010

Discover the New Food Cure for Diabetes

Overweight? Exhausted? Feel like you go from famished to faint to stuffed and sluggish half a dozen times a day? If so, too-high blood sugar could be to blame. Maybe your doctor has even diagnosed you with diabetes or prediabetes–or you’re caring for someone with one of those conditions. No matter what your challenge or role, we have good news. It’s easier than you think to get back on a healthy path–and your plate is the place to start.

That’s right: When it comes to diabetes, food isn’t the enemy–it’s the solution. With a healthier diet, you can help prevent or manage type 2 diabetes, as well as heart disease and metabolic syndrome–and still eat many of the foods you love. Prevention teamed up with two leading diabetes experts to create an eating plan to do just that: The Diabetes DTOUR Diet is based on new research that found that four specific nutrients–omega-3s, fiber, calcium, and vitamin D–work together to help fight fat, balance blood sugar, and get you out of the diabetes danger zone, or even avoid it altogether. (To see if you’re at risk, take the quiz.) READ MORE…


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