Tuesday, March 16, 2010

36 Signs of a Psychopath

This post can also be reached at psychopath.tk

A psychopath:

1) show signs of regular cruelty to or indifference to cruelty to animals (which includes insects) or people during their preteen years (though not necessarily early preteen years) due to a lack of a long-term, loving care with the teaching of good morals by an authority figure (like a parent) which leads to the child doing wrong often in childhood and their conscience becoming seared to the point where it no longer will produce a feeling of guilt, even in adulthood;

2) They are okay with seeing someone do an occasional good deed and may praise them for it, but they have a hatred for people who do good deeds in general, hence why none of them have a charitable lifestyle, especially are nor charitable out of kindness. They are also highly resistant to being charitable even if it is to gain an advantage over others, which is because they associate charity with strong morality, which they hate. This is why they will accuse Christians of merely, “Shoving religion down everyone’s throat” and ignoring and not mentioning any good deeds Christians do no matter how many are done or how great, and may refer to those who do good as “goody-goodys”);

They are:

3) hypocritical in their rules and accusations and (due to having no conscience to let them know when they are doing wrong and their minds being narrowly focused on satisfying the desires of their heart rather than being careful to do what is logical and morally good);

4) unwilling to come up with any insight of their own on religion or philosophy, cannot, without explanation from a person with a conscience, belief in absolute right and wrong, punishment to restrain stubborn behavior, and belief in a god or gods or God, reason out the psychological, emotional, or physiological consequences of certain religions or philosophies, hence why

5) many or about all psychopaths are happy to make simplistic judgments on religion, especially complex ones, like, “(all) religions cause wars” or “(all) religion is responsible for deaths” as it conveniently excuses psychopaths to live without moral restraint and why they are

6) mentally shallow concerning anything at all despite specializing in something, like finding cheap air fair, the correct translation for a word, the correct answer to a mathematical formula. By immitating what others say in certain situations and with assistance they may appear to be smarter and wiser than they really are (as can anyone who imitates well and gets good help), and so then appear to be a anything, including lawyer, physicist, mathematician, biologist, baby-sitter, priest or even pastor.

7) There mental shallowness is also evidenced by very stupid questions (shocking to a normal person), for example, if they ask someone to strip naked for them and get the reply, “It’s against my religion to”, they may reply with something like, “Well can’t you change your religion?” or “What is you stopped being religious?”.

8) There mental shallowness is also evidenced by gullibility, sometimes great gulliblity (shocking to a normal person). For example they show that they have a hard time (in general) determing real from not real no matter how absurd or clearly wrong a fiction is (for example belief in a billions of years old giant exlposion creating all the wonders of the universe, including irreducably complex, very beautiful, living, emotional things of countless types). So when a person plays an obvious joke on a psychopath, the person playing the joke will find to his or her amazement (if they don’t realize the person was a psychopoath), the psychopath taking the joke seriously.

They are:

9) without empathy (in other words won’t imagine themselves in the painful situation of someone else in order to understand that person’s pain due to a lack of love for others);

10) emotionally shallow on immorality or good deeds (for example don’t feel anything or any deep anger of seeing someone do moral wrong or deep joy over seeing someone sacrifice themselves to help an innocent person or joy over someone suffering to help another who doesn’t deserve it – however they can and do feel great anger over themselves being wronged, especially if threatened by someone who can hinder their lifestyle – and at best experience someone deep wonderment or awe over seeing such things, which is also why

11) their displays of sorrow over wrong-doing or someone suffering or dying lack a sad expression and they do not feel very sad).

12) Though they may sometimes feel sorrow for seeing someone else in a bad position, it does not last long, are unwilling to give more than what they consider to be of little value to help the person they feel sorrow for, though for their own entertainment they are willing to give a little physical help to or chat for a while.


13) may try to display appropriate sorrow to having done wrong or seeing wrong done or over some sad thing (like a suffering child dying in front of them) if they think they may lose their advantage over others or be unable to gain an advantage over others if they don’t display this sorrow;

14) feel great distress and worry when they perceive an immediate threat to their life-style.

15) emotionally shallow on immorality or good deeds (for example don’t feel anything or any deep anger of seeing someone do moral wrong or deep joy over seeing someone sacrifice themselves to help an innocent person or joy over someone suffering to help another who doesn’t deserve it – however they can and do feel great anger over themselves being wronged, especially if threatened by someone who can hinder their lifestyle – and at best experience someone deep wonderment or awe over seeing such things, which is also why

16) their displays of sorrow over wrong-doing or someone suffering or dying lack a sad expression and they do not feel very sad).

17) Though they may sometimes feel sorrow for seeing someone else in a bad position, it does not last long, are unwilling to give more than what they consider to be of little value to help the person they feel sorrow for, though for their own entertainment they are willing to give a little physical help to or chat for a while.


18) may try to display appropriate sorrow to having done wrong or seeing wrong done or over some sad thing (like a suffering child dying in front of them) if they think they may lose their advantage over others or be unable to gain an advantage over others if they don’t display this sorrow;

19) feel great distress and worry when they perceive an immediate threat to their life-style.

They are:

20) rude (for example will tell someone who gets off a subject they want to be the focus of a discussion, “you’re wandering”, rather than asking them a question on the desired subject to bring them back to it, yet if themselves are asked a question to get them to give an immediate answer or more concise answer, tend to give a reply like, “well if you would let me finish” or “stop interrupting me” with a hostile or strained, high pitched, aggravated-sounding or condescending tone);

21) self-centered (for example may brush off a request from a friend’s request for some emergency merely because they desire more sleep or hoard money to the hurt of others though not necessarily out of greed);

22) arrogant (for example sees themselves as much better than most people yet having no evidence for this, and may boast aloud of some existing or non-existent trait they have (like clairvoyance) thinking that that trait gives them great uniqueness and a level of goodness or intelligence that makes them much more worthy of attention than other things, including people, and much more valuable than other things, and so if they are interrupted when they are wandering, rambling or ranting or interrupted at all, will make a reply like, “well if you would let me finish” or “don’t cut me off” even if what they are saying is not relevant or obvious, even if that is told to them, and will behave as if what they have to say is relevant, original/not obvious and profound and unable to be known by the person they are talking to unless they tell it to them);

23) obsessed with finding uniqueness and non-repetition in others (for example may insult someone for not being original and “repeating” themselves) and without realizing it is implying that the uniqueness and originality that they are seeming is immoral and illogical (which they often call “random”) behavior;

24) often quick to lie to save or keep an appearance of being very unique, wise and or whatever their idea of “good” is;

25) able to lie very well due to not being hindered by a conscience.


26) will complain about and show frustration about the difficulty they had in learning subjects that require much patience and concentration which did not interest them (for example may say, “it was really hard to study these things”);

27) live a parasitic lifestyle/take advantage of others in order to survive and avoid having to work either mentally or physically hard for long;

28) will do complex mental work only if they see absolutely no other likely way for them to accomplish their long term goal of having an easy-going life (for example doing math work that bores them in order to get through college);

29) have no conscience (and therefore feel no regret or sorrow or guilt regardless of how badly or how many times they disobey God);

30) have poor emotional self-control/impulsive (for example will touch a person in a place where that person requests not to be touched if they think that they can escape being punished for it, though they may not be promiscuous or display their lust openly out of fear of being rejected for their inability to please another sexually and not having adequate sexually-pleasing physical characteristics);

31) are very resistant to accept that they’ve done wrong if it wasn’t intentional;

32) sadistic and cruel (for example will intentionally and repeatedly do wrong and laugh at seeing it greatly upset a person even if they see that their cruelty is causing great pain or damage to that person).

33) They will, when unable to find people to take advantage of to keep away their boredom or when having little more than shallow social contact, become delusional, imagining relationships or close relationships that don’t exist. They may even fool themselves into imagining people that don’t exist whom they imagine are their friends and converse with them, even going so far as to create false evidence to strengthen their belief in these people (for example may make imaginary Internet user accounts or email accounts supposedly used by these imaginary people and sending email to themselves from these accounts). This is either an insanity or they believe that they can, by their mere will, will things into reality, in other words, “wish” things into reality (including their being right about something).

34) They believe that they have an inherit right as a person, but not because of God’s word or the word of some other supposed god to do whatever they desire to do, so long as it is lawful, though like most people will question certain laws and believe some to be useless and pointless.

35) They don’t believe that there is a logical, discoverable reason for the occurrence of certain things (for example why they may go for a walk at a certain hour of the day and go to a certain street).

36) A psychopath, to protect his or her life-style, may attempt to ruin the life of, blackmail or murder the person who may ruin their life-style (for example if a psychopath suspects that someone is going to try to send them to jail, he may try to poison that person, or if he or she thinks he can get away with it, stab that person to death.)

A narcissist psychopath is one that sees themselves as beautiful or life style as noble despite regardless of the clear ugliness of either. A non-narcissist psychopath can recognize ugly and plain features of his body if they exist, and can imagine ugliness that doesn’t exist, for example, excess fat. Narcissists also admire those who they also believe to be superior in some way, like beauty, wealth, strength or eloquence or their fame or high status for having any of these and narcissists pander to such people in order to gain their love and become like them. A narcissist will, if they can do so, acquire many pictures of themselves and put them on display for their personal enjoyment and to show to others for them to obsess on. Narcissists are also easily offended by criticism against themselves, whether the judgment is right or not and will be quick to show their annoyance and disapproval even going so far as to say that all judgment is wrong in order to gain the love and support of others who hate being criticized. Narcissits will also, in order to better fit the high status or beauty they imagine that they have, try to match it by how they speak, both by their tone and choice of words. For example, they may try to speak eloquently and use rare words like “drek”, “ergo”, “notwithstanding” etc. (or if too mentally lazy or stupid to learn “hard” or rare words, simply call themselves smart, intelligent and wise and tell people that don’t see things as they do as not being able to notice the “obvious” and that they are “ridiculous” or “absurd” if not agreeing with the “obvious” (like in macro-evolution, or how beautiful they are). Becacuse of their impulsiveness and focus on using “smart” words more than making sense when using them, they often don’t make sense or contradict themselves. They may also use royal-sounding or wise-sounding phrases like, “intricate complexities”, “tight co-evolution”, “please do”, “may I suggest”, “me thinks [that] you”, “my dear friend”, including Shakespearean or Shakespearean-like phrases).

A person can be turned into a narcissist by praising whatever that person does, even if it is evil and praising their appearance even if they are ugly over all or praising some part of their body that is ugly as being beautiful, or praising their clothing as being beautiful in appearance when it isn’t, and getting them to focus on their appearance while disregarding more important things like their health, or the well-being of others.

A similar but more dangerous type of psychopath realizes the importance of theistic based morality yet attempts to subvert them as they realize that it threatens their care-free life-style (for example they may pretend to be moral by expressing concern that religion should be taught and yet in another situation slander theists in order to discredit all religions and may even go so far as pretending to be a Christian and then doing something they believe is contrary to the Christian religion, again: to give it a bad image to discredit it).

Basically: psychopaths are heartless and self-centered to everyone except to those who agree with and help sustain their life style and even towards those people are poor friends as they are unwilling to often suffer very long for them in order to help them improve morally, financially or physically.

As a consequence of these things psychopaths may have many short-term relationships (depending on how high the population is where they live) and due to their relentless disrespectfulness, unthankfulness, lack of appropriate emotional responses becoming unbearable and because the psychopath desires and seeks out new experiences to keep from feeling boredom.

A psychopath, like anyone who sins, can, by God only, be cured of their desire to disobey God, their illogical thinking, impulsiveness and imperfect moral judgment.

Train a child in the way he should go,

and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

He who spares the rod hates his son,

but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

Proverbs 13:24

A lying tongue hates those afflicted by it,

and a flattering mouth works ruin.

Proverbs 26:28

Even a child is known by his actions,

by whether his conduct is pure and right.

Proverbs 20:11

Fathers, do not exasperate your children;

instead, bring them up in the training

and instruction of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4

Children, obey your parents in the Lord,

for this is right.

Ephesians 6:1

[Via http://eternian.wordpress.com]

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