Sunday, January 10, 2010


About a year ago I watched a documentary called Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days.  I watched with great skepticism.  None of my doctors had ever even suggested dramatically changing my diet as a way to treat my Type II diabetes.  They always reached for their prescription pad.  Take two and call me in the morning.  The meds they prescribed made me sick and sapped my energy which made me depressed which made me stuff my face.  Vicious cycle.  The people in this documentary were equally skeptical.  At the end of 30 days though they had normal blood sugar and had all lost some weight.  That’s some strong evidence and some strong medicine.

I immediately bought a ton of books all about the raw diet.  I educated myself and I embarked on my first run at raw.  In two months I had lost 20 pounds and my blood sugar levels were near and occasionally at normal.  I was a believer.  I burned myself out though.  I didn’t realize how much work the raw diet would be.  All that produce needed to be cleaned, processed, and prepared.  I got to the point where I was eating a romaine salad twice a day because it was the easiest and quickest thing I could make.  I’ve been off raw since this past summer.  I haven’t gained the weight back which is surprising but my blood sugar is back up in the 300’s.

Its time for a change.

The new year has just arrived and with it I’ve made a hefty resolution.  I have resolved to be diabetes free by 1/1/11.  And come hell or high water I will succeed, my life depends on it.

I see now that variety is the key to staying motivated on the raw vegan diet.  This time around I’ll also be adding green smoothies.  For the first month I will be totally vegan, no animal protein.  I may continue that throughout but I also think that a little fish here and there is not a bad thing.  I plan to track my weight and blood sugar levels on this blog.  I will also talk about what kind of food I’m eating and how I’m feeling.  I hope to capture the transformation that is in my future.  I want to change and I am ready to change.  It is time to Re-Raw!


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